Warning signs:
Chest pain or discomfort: pressure, tightness, burning; It may be accompanied by shortness of breath, nausea, or fatigue.
Fatigue: Not enough oxygen-rich blood reaches the heart.
Swelling: in the legs, feet, or ankles due to poor circulation.
Cold extremities: caused by a lack of oxygen-rich blood flow.
Shortness of breath: due to insufficient blood and oxygen reaching the heart.
Palpitations: An irregular heartbeat due to insufficient oxygen-rich blood.
Dizziness or vertigo: indicates that oxygen-rich blood is not reaching the brain.
Management of health conditions: Monitoring and monitoring of high blood pressure and diabetes.
Medications and surgery: necessary in some cases.
Prevention and early detection are vital in managing clogged arteries. A healthy lifestyle, monitoring existing conditions, and seeking medical care for warning signs reduces the risk of complications. Regular checkups and a proactive approach to cardiovascular health are key to preventative care.